So, you've gone through the motions and finally snagged yourself a pair of Cotton Balls that suits your shape and style. Whether you're a first-time Cotton Baller or you've already chucked out your old undies in Favor of our eco-friendly fabric, we want every wear to feel like the first time.

But hey, we understand that putting in the effort to choose the perfect undies means you want them to last. That's why we're here to give you the lowdown on how to give your Cotton Balls the TLC they deserve, ensuring they stick around for the long haul. Here are a few tips to keep 'em in tip-top shape:

Tip 1: Handle with care! Our range is crafted from delicate, natural fibers, so treat them like the precious cargo they are. Chuck 'em in a delicates wash with similar colors to show 'em some love.

Tip 2: Keep it warm and easy-going. When it comes to washing, think Goldilocks - not too cold, not too hot. Warm and gentle is just right.

Tip 3: Use a mild detergent. Our undies are already softer than a koala's cuddle, so skip the fabric softener. Stick to a mild detergent that's gentle on the skin - and definitely no bleach; it's a bit too rough for our delicate darlings.

Tip 4: Let 'em air dry! Our undies love the outdoors, so give the dryer a miss and hang 'em out to dry in the shade.

Tip 5: No tumble dry or dry clean. They're not fans of the dry cleaners, and tumble dryers aren't their cup of tea either. Stick to Tip 3 for cleaning, and keep 'em happy at home.

Tip 6: Iron-free zone. Seriously, if you find yourself ironing undies, it might be time to reassess your life choices. Save your energy for more important activities, like telling everybody how good Cotton Balls undies are.

Tip 7: Trim the threads. Keep things neat and tidy by giving any stray threads a snip. But if you spot a thread on the right inside hip, hands off! That's where our seamless stitch lives, and cutting it would unravel the whole shebang.

With these tips in your toolkit, you'll keep your Cotton Balls looking and feeling fresh for many wears to come. Cheers, mate!