cotton balls

How ya going?


Address 2/40 Pacific Avenue, Miami Qld 4220

PR & Media:

Customer service:


Looks like you're keen for a chinwag or maybe dropping us a line?

CHINWAG: If you fancy a yarn, hit up the chat bubble to have a chinwag with one of the blokes at HQ. If it's past our work hours on the Gold Coast, well, we've likely stashed away the undies for the day and traded them for surfboards, catching some much needed waves. - gotta maintain that work/life balance!

We'll be back in the saddle, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning. Leave us a message, and we'll get back to you quicker than a kookaburra's cackle.

DROP A LINE: If you're more of an email kind of bloke, shoot us a note at or simply type your message below, leaving your contact details. We'll catch you on the next set! Cheers!